The Boys

The Girls
Amberlyn Shelties was started in 1985 when we purchased our first sheltie, Kricket, Ch. Marni-Maureens Kimmy Kricket, CD She soon showed us the meaning of being owned by a sheltie and just how intelligent this beautiful breed is. She introduced us to the performance ring as well as the obedience ring and we have met many fellow breeders along the way.
We generally have two or three litters a year that are thought out carefully when we choose a mate that will not only enhance what our females have and strenthen what qualities they might lack.
Our puppies are raised in our large kitchen where they can be exposed to every day life.
We are members of the Canadian Shetland Sheepdog Association as well as the local club in our area The Winnipeg Area Shetland Sheepdog Association.
We test our breeding dogs for hips, eyes, vWd, DM, DMS and MDR1, and thyroid.
Now grab a coffee and sit back and enjoy meeting our dogs.
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